The Gym Bunny Blog

Just another site

Welcome to the Gym Bunny Blog May 17, 2010

Filed under: Bits and pieces (misc) — thegymbunnyblog @ 11:33 am

This is a blog designed for all the gym bunnies out there who love to work out either just for fitness and to look good in that bikini or in order to be great at their sport whether it is skiing, running, rowing, swimming…

I will be updating this blog with information on my workout routines, what I find works, what doesn’t, whats worth trying and what’s worth avoiding!  My aim is that is supply new ideas and motivation for anyone who is a well worn gym user or someone just setting out on getting fit, and with bikini season looming that could be quite a few of you!  I will also update on other issue linked to health and fitness like good low fat, tasty recipes, new gym gear/ fitness gear that’s out there, new beauty products/ existing routines and fitness classes etc to try out.

I will also be taking the blog out of the gym and into the fresh air so for those of you who would rather work out outside than in I will be posting on various sports and how to prepare for them.  In the winter months I will be posting a lot on the ski season and how to prepare those thighs for a day on and off piste.  This should include guides to my favourite resorts, reviews of new equipment and of course how to target and prepare the major ski muscle groups.  There will also be posts on marathons, rowing, tri-athlons and other outside events where I will ask guest bloggers who love their sports to let you in on their tips for success.  And from the fresh air to different in door activities, I will also be blogging about other parts of my fitness regime from at home workouts to pilates and yoga.

Right now as we are fast approaching the bikini season I will be blogging on my moves for killer abs, toned thighs and the search for the ultimate flattering bikini…does it even exist?!

Ultimately while I write the blog I want it to be a forum for women to discuss what they find works for their fitness, so please add to the blog by posting your comments to help out other gym bunnies out there!!

See you in the gym

Gym Bunny Blog