The Gym Bunny Blog

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Protein Power September 27, 2011

Filed under: Food Glorious Food — thegymbunnyblog @ 12:47 pm

When I started to get back back into training and running more seriously I reached a point where I had stopped seeing results- no new muscle tone, weight staying the same etc.  I happened to mention this to a friend who is a body builder and he suggested that I probably wasn’t taking in enough protein. Your body uses protein to repair damaged muscle and tissue after a workout – when we workout we are purposefully doing “positive” damage to our muscles to get the results we want and helping your muscles repair helps you see those results faster.  So after I have worked out now I use CNP Pro-Recover powder which I mix into a shake, I have definitely seen good results from this in the muscle groups I target (arms and shoulders at the moment) and to counter a popular myth no it has not bulked me up to like the incredible Hulk- not the look I am going for.  This recover formula comes in two flavours Chocolate and Strawberry.  To be honest both are pretty gross until you get used to them but then they kind of grow on you!  I use half the recommended dosage as 2 scoops is way too much for someone my size and you do have to measure your protein intake to make sure you are not taking in too much (and just storing it as fat- not good!)  Use your shake within the first 30 minutes (asap) after your work out and you should definitely see some results.  A further plus is that the recover formula should help you avoid injury as well as help those muscles look great!

See you at the juice bar!



Personal Training Time…. May 28, 2010

Filed under: Food Glorious Food,Gym Workouts — thegymbunnyblog @ 9:53 am

After moving gyms I was offered a free massage certificate when I joined, despite it taking ages (3months or so) to be given to me I thought this was pretty cool!  However I quickly managed to lose it and my kind gym manager replaced it with a free personal training session instead- far more useful.  So i had thought about just using this one month before my summer holiday to get a final fitness/toning boost but instead I’m going for it now so I can get the benefits of a tweaked work out for longer!

Have also started watching my fat intake a bit more carefully, I don’t really like much junk food or fast food but the odd sneaky snack does add up as does content in foods like yoghurt so I have become a bit more observant and hopefully will see a little benefit from it.  If I catch any shocking fat content offenders I will post them up here, so if you have any tips for avoiding the fat content let me know and leave a comment for everyone to see!

I’m also really enjoying the masses of fresh fruit available now it is summer, is much nicer waking up to a bowl of mango, melon, apple, blueberries, banana etc (or some combo of a couple) topped with (low fat!) yoghurt than my winter bowl of porridge.  Much easier to get my 5 a day!

So watch this space for a personal training update of any hints and tips I pick up!

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