The Gym Bunny Blog

Just another site

Good Cheats! August 25, 2010

off the back of the last post I thought I would share some positive ways to look and feel better or to supplement your workout without hitting the gym!

1. Fake tan! Ok so you have to get this right but when it works it really works! Remember preparation is key to exfoliate and moisturise and experiment until you find the right one for you!

2.I suggest you take the stairs… This is an oldy but a goody, whether you work on the 5th floor or you take the underground to work and it’s 200 steps to the street, go for it! Feel the burn and think of the toning effect on those legs and the CV benefits for your heart!

3.Ab holds.  Use your commute to your benefit whether your drive get the train or the underground, use pauses in your journey (stations, traffic lights etc) to pull in and hold your abs tight for 30-60 seconds. Engaging your abs makes them work and every little bit helps!

4. Carry your food don’t push it! Next time you are nipping into the store for your mid-week shop ditch the trolley and grab a basket! Engage your core to protect your back and work out those arms at the same time!

5. Warm up en-route, if you are going to the gym try to power walk/take the stairs on your way there it will save you 10 mins on the treadmill or whatever your usual routine.  This is key especially if you are paying for a personal trainer, why pay to have them watch you warm up?  Put the extra ten minutes of their time to good use and get straight into your workout with them, even agree to meet them at the treadmill so you are already there and ready to go!

Happy work outs

Gym Bunny Blog