The Gym Bunny Blog

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New Year, New You! January 26, 2011

Filed under: Gym Workouts — thegymbunnyblog @ 11:35 am

I am not one for New Years resolutions, especially in the first few weeks of January when you are still winding into a new year but there is nothing like trying to start a fresh once you have settled back into your work, gym, life routine!  On that note I have resolved to mix up my gym routine, run harder (burn more fat…!) and I hope really see the results I want!


So I have saved up some cash and am starting PT boxing sessions again.  Whilst I have kept up boxing with a bag there really is nothing like boxing with someone to get your heart rate raised and burn that fat.  I boxed a lot a couple of summers ago and I really think that I saw the most results from any workout I have ever done.  So it is back in the ring (well gym studio) for me.  To gauge my results I’m going to take measurements from around my hips, tum, arms and legs and see what difference my new routine makes!


I am also running more and hoping that this new box/run (with normal abs and arm work thrown in) will help me really see results in 2011.  To help me with my fitness goals I have also stopped drinking alcohol during the week (empty calories, too much sugar!)  I’m really hoping to see the results in my hips and thighs, so fingers crossed!


So are you up for a new challenge?  Got a problem area you want to tackle?  Why not make this the month to start?  By bikini season you will be seriously ready to hit that beach without any last minute panic!


Got get ‘em girls!


The Gym Bunny Blog





Trainer Review

Filed under: Gym Kit - clothes and equipment — thegymbunnyblog @ 10:52 am

I used to be quite the Nike girl but recently I have been really disappointed by their lack of innovation in the trainer department.  My last pair of trainers was Nike’s “spring soles” the ones with, well, springs in the soles.  However they were getting well worn and they rubbed if I ran any distance- bit of a demotivator!


So on a recent trip Stateside I hit the Reebok outlet and bagged myself a pair of their new Runtone shoes.  The marketing is that they have wobbleboard technology in their soles, i.e. they make your muscles work even harder to balance, they are supposed to work your calves, thighs and glutes harder to make them tone up.


I have run with them both outside and on the treadmill and they definitely make your legs work harder and feel more fatigued.  Plus using them in the gym to do balance exercises on the cable machine etc adds a new challenge as you have to work a lot harder to stay balanced on that one foot!  It is like standing on the half ball, well like standing on 8 mini half balls (see picture below).


My review: I definitely like my new trainers and I think they do work my legs harder, however, if you are looking for a trainer that will really motivate you to get out there and start running this is not the one for you.  It does make running harder and if you haven’t run much before this could really put you off!


Do not despair though!  If you are in the market for a pair of trainers that will get your new year running resolution of to a kick start then Reebok have another great offering, The Zig Energy.  The ridges on the sole of this shoe make it easier for you to run as they push the energy back through your feet and propel you forward!


So whether you are a seasoned runner who wants an extra challenge/tone or you are just starting out, I really think that this year Reebok has something for you!


Happy running!


They Gym Bunny Blog


PS Reebok have a sale on their website right now!  No time like the present!



Get ski fit and hit the slopes running (although that could be slippy…) January 13, 2011

Filed under: Gym Workouts,The Great Outdoors — thegymbunnyblog @ 12:13 pm

At the start of this blog I said that come winter I would write some blog posts on how to get ski fit (or snowboard fit…!) so here they are.  Even if you are not a skier though there are some great ides for you to keep fit and toned through the winter months.

Kettlebells:  I discovered these heavy blighters quite recently and they really are a great way to workout.  The raise your heart rate and tone at the same time, a really effective workout!  Kettlebells are weights (a bit like a rouned anvil in appearance) with a handle (aka their horns).  The basic kettlebell move is to start with your feet slightly wider than hip width apart and the kettlebell (kb) between your feet on the floor.  You grasp the handle and using the strength in your legs and core, thrust your hips forward to haul the kb into the air.  Although you are using your arms to control the kb the idea is not to use your arm stranght to move it.  The kb should end up at about shoulder height with your arms extended.  Repeat this 10-12 times.  This is guaranteed sweat enducing, thigh burning workout!

The above is the basic kettlebell move but I think the best way to get your technique right and get more moves is to have a personal training session.  Your trainer will ensure you are positioning yourself correctly and therefore not hurting your back.  Also kettlebells are very strenuous so you should be of pretty good fitness before you attempt this (health warning!).  If you don’t fancy a training session you could try and source a class at your local gym or through a community workshop.

You can also adapt the basic move to use the kettlebell with just one arm or walking with the bell and doing the above move between steps (hard!) or punching with the bell (great for chest muscles but sore the next day!)

Kettlebell workouts are great for all gym regulars looking to improve fitness/mix up their workouts with something new and are particularly good for targeting key ski muscle groups especially quads and core.

So there you have it something new and very challenging to try!

Happy kettlebelling!

The Gym Bunny Blog


Holiday workouts? Pipe dream or reality?

Filed under: Tips and Tricks for a good workout — thegymbunnyblog @ 12:10 pm

Sorry for the blogging absence since the end of the summer, I have been on holiday, travelling and navigating the ups and downs of job applications!

However on the travels note I though I would blog about holiday workouts.  Is it realistic to expect that you will work out on your break from the norm and when push comes to shove are you really going to get out of bed half an hour early to practice your yoga by the pool whilst watching the sun rise?  Hmm well I went to Florida full of good intentions, I would run whilst it was cool either in the early morning or late evening and I would take advantage of the heat to practice my Bikram Yoga by the pool, I was also adamant to keep up my sit-ups and push-ups to retain muscle tone.  Madness?  Well almost- I did run and I did do some yoga and some sit ups but only 3 or 4 times on a two-week holiday.  In the end the sun lounger and the chance to catch up on reading for pleasure after a year of master’s degree reading was too much to resist – not to mention that after a couple of poolside margaritas my ability to pull off a non-wobbly “dancer pose” was vastly reduced, ah well, when in Rome!  Therefore I have come to the conclusion that in the future I will still take a capsule workout wardrobe on holiday as when I did workout it gave me an energy boost to hit those theme parks harder, but I won’t expect to use it every day…or every two days!

If you think you will work out on holiday then here are my tips for baggage restriction friendly exercises.  Obviously in the days of restricted baggage weights you would have to be nuts to consider packing your kettle bell or dumbbells but do consider taking a resistance band!  You can stand on a resistance band or wrap it around a (sturdy!) banister and use the resistance to do bicep and tricep curls.  Another useful piece of lightweight kit is a skipping rope.  This is particularly useful if there is nowhere suitable or safe for you to run as you can use it indoors or poolside.  Ten to twenty minutes of fast skipping is excellent exercise and will really get your heart rate pumping.  Finally you can always keep those abs in shape by using time when you are waiting for people to get ready to do five minutes of crunches or a few core-stabilising planks.  If you do all that when you are on holiday you really do deserve that margarita!

Happy holidays/workouts!

Gym Bunny Blog