The Gym Bunny Blog

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Trainer Review January 26, 2011

Filed under: Gym Kit - clothes and equipment — thegymbunnyblog @ 10:52 am

I used to be quite the Nike girl but recently I have been really disappointed by their lack of innovation in the trainer department.  My last pair of trainers was Nike’s “spring soles” the ones with, well, springs in the soles.  However they were getting well worn and they rubbed if I ran any distance- bit of a demotivator!


So on a recent trip Stateside I hit the Reebok outlet and bagged myself a pair of their new Runtone shoes.  The marketing is that they have wobbleboard technology in their soles, i.e. they make your muscles work even harder to balance, they are supposed to work your calves, thighs and glutes harder to make them tone up.


I have run with them both outside and on the treadmill and they definitely make your legs work harder and feel more fatigued.  Plus using them in the gym to do balance exercises on the cable machine etc adds a new challenge as you have to work a lot harder to stay balanced on that one foot!  It is like standing on the half ball, well like standing on 8 mini half balls (see picture below).


My review: I definitely like my new trainers and I think they do work my legs harder, however, if you are looking for a trainer that will really motivate you to get out there and start running this is not the one for you.  It does make running harder and if you haven’t run much before this could really put you off!


Do not despair though!  If you are in the market for a pair of trainers that will get your new year running resolution of to a kick start then Reebok have another great offering, The Zig Energy.  The ridges on the sole of this shoe make it easier for you to run as they push the energy back through your feet and propel you forward!


So whether you are a seasoned runner who wants an extra challenge/tone or you are just starting out, I really think that this year Reebok has something for you!


Happy running!


They Gym Bunny Blog


PS Reebok have a sale on their website right now!  No time like the present!



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