The Gym Bunny Blog

Just another site

Running September 21, 2011

Filed under: Running,The Great Outdoors — thegymbunnyblog @ 9:48 am

This has been a bit of a manic year so please forgive the blogging absence!  This year has so far seen me move hundreds of miles back up the country, start my own company and move back to my home town.  So it has not been the most stress free year for me and running (the purpose of this blog) has really helped me destress and feel some sense of achievement when work has been going badly!  With that update out of the way, on with the blog!

Since moving (again!) I have got back into running which I have not done seriously since my high school years.  I run with an unofficial running group – unofficial in that we are not a club just members of the same gym who all like to run.  When I started running again I was pretty un(run)fit and could just scrape a good mile, but I have slowly been building up the runs and am now doing some pretty hardcore ten mile runs.  Last weeks run involved the steepest hill in our town for the first 4 miles and then a further 6 miles of long rises -hard but worth it!  So within 9 or so months I have really seen a difference in my running fitness, have dropped some inches and a dress size and am hooked on running.  As I live in one of the most beautiful parts of the country I have also really enjoyed the opportunity to spend some time outside in the (very changeable) elements.  Running highlights over the last few weeks have definitely included watching the leaves start to change on the trees, I love autumn/fall!

Next weekend I am competing in my first 10K so I am really hoping for a good time of around 50 minutes.  I am already planning to enter some events for next year including a half marathon (no full marathons in my running future I don’t think- too many moguls left to ski so I need my knee cartilage!).  I am also going to start triathlon training so have already been putting some more time in, in the pool…that’s going to require some work!  There’s a local tri club that another of the runners and I are going to try out so will see how that goes!

So along with this new found passion for running goes quite a lot of new blogging topics!  Running injury free is at the forefront of my mind at the moment so I will be posting on knee health, stretching and generally avoiding injury.  My main obsession with staying injury free (especially knee injury free) is due to being a skier first and runner second!  Much as I love running and would not want to have to sit out with an injury, I would be distraught to get a knee injury and ruin my skiing!  There will also be posts on running gear (shopping!) including getting properly fitted for some new running trainers/sneakers.

Get you running shoes on!

The Gym Bunny Blog