The Gym Bunny Blog

Just another site

New Year, New You! January 26, 2011

Filed under: Gym Workouts — thegymbunnyblog @ 11:35 am

I am not one for New Years resolutions, especially in the first few weeks of January when you are still winding into a new year but there is nothing like trying to start a fresh once you have settled back into your work, gym, life routine!  On that note I have resolved to mix up my gym routine, run harder (burn more fat…!) and I hope really see the results I want!


So I have saved up some cash and am starting PT boxing sessions again.  Whilst I have kept up boxing with a bag there really is nothing like boxing with someone to get your heart rate raised and burn that fat.  I boxed a lot a couple of summers ago and I really think that I saw the most results from any workout I have ever done.  So it is back in the ring (well gym studio) for me.  To gauge my results I’m going to take measurements from around my hips, tum, arms and legs and see what difference my new routine makes!


I am also running more and hoping that this new box/run (with normal abs and arm work thrown in) will help me really see results in 2011.  To help me with my fitness goals I have also stopped drinking alcohol during the week (empty calories, too much sugar!)  I’m really hoping to see the results in my hips and thighs, so fingers crossed!


So are you up for a new challenge?  Got a problem area you want to tackle?  Why not make this the month to start?  By bikini season you will be seriously ready to hit that beach without any last minute panic!


Got get ‘em girls!


The Gym Bunny Blog





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