The Gym Bunny Blog

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Outdoor Gym August 5, 2010

Filed under: Gym Workouts,The Great Outdoors — thegymbunnyblog @ 9:00 am

If working out in the gym is really not for you but you still want to improve your fitness levels and tone up then you could try training with the military!  It’s ok there’s no need to join the army but you are trained by military fitness experts.  The sessions take place in local parks and as an added bonus are realtively cheap compared to normal gym membership (£26-£36 depending on what part of the UK you live in, for 1 session per week).

I have not taken part in one of these but have seen a lot of people sweating it out in various parks and it is does look pretty challenging and definitely worthwhile!  There’s an offer where you can go to one free session so I might try it out one day, there is also a one day boot camp which you can do for £99 (inc a healthy lunch) if you need a serious boost to your bikini workout this could be an alternative way to do it!

This would definitely be a great alternative for those who can’t bear the gym at the moment, however, one session a week would not be enough to drastically change shape or weight so I would suggest using it to supplement other outside activities eg: running, interval training, biking, hill walking etc or another indoor gym alternative eg: boxing, at home workouts, bikram yoga etc.

For more info see

See you outside!

Gym Bunny Blog



Getting Out There- Outdoor Workouts August 3, 2010

Filed under: Gym Workouts,The Great Outdoors — thegymbunnyblog @ 2:31 pm

When the weather is glorious (or you have just been in the gym too much) then slogging it out in an inside gym is just not appealing so how do you keep to your fitness routine rather than just lying in the park with a good book?!  Workout outside of course… Recently the original Gym Bunny has been doing PT sessions outside and on Friday we got together to do our own outdoor workout.

We started off with a warm up run/jog for about 5 minutes.  We then paced out an area (about 50m) and moved some outdoor chairs to the end of this area.  We jogged the 50m before turning and sprinting back the same way, at the end of the sprint we went straight into: tricep dips, press ups, step ups, lunges, dynamic squats etc (one exercise per end of sprint 15-20 reps of each).  We did this for half an hour with a longer run in the middle again.  The chairs were great for the dips, press ups, step ups etc.  We also mixed up the 50m intervals by doing kick ups, knee ups and side steps for a few of them. The point of varying your speed is that by doing interval training you are making your heart/body work harder and consequently you burn more fat! yay!

To finish off the work out we headed back inside (avoiding wet grass) for a 20 min abs, arms and stretch exercise.  We used a resistance band for biceps and triceps (adding onto the outside arm work) and a mix of just floor and ball work for abs.  A good abs exercise to do with a partner (or improvise and tuck your feet under a weights bar) is to get them to kneel (gently!) on your feet and you have to sit all the way up and high-five them each time, get them to move their hands higher and alternate straight high fiving with turning to eg hit their left with your left hand.

Have fun, oh and look out for obstacles- like your dog- you don’t want to go flying!

Gym Bunny Blog



Personal Training for the Beach Body July 13, 2010

Filed under: Gym Workouts — thegymbunnyblog @ 10:29 am

So a few weeks ago I had a personal training session to get some new tips for toning to be beach body ready and I said I would share if I got any handy new tips!  As well as a new abs exercise and a new CV routine I was also able to get some advice on targeting my bikini problem area (hips and butt- more on this in a second), so what did I learn?

CV- Rowing! I haven’t been on a rowing machine in a long time but I hopped on and did some interval training which was really good and made a change from the EFX/treadmill combo I have been doing of late.  The most important thing is to make sure you are using your arms and legs properly and not jarring your back.  I did (do) ten minutes of intervals on this, 30-60seconds as fast as I can go to the same time rest period.  I will also do another 10-20 mins on the EFX and/or treadmill as well just to keep the cardio work up there.

Abs- On the half ball, make sure you have your butt right at the edge and don’t cheat by bringing your elbows forward of your head (doing this stops using your abs and uses your back and arms muscles instead…!).  Do as many crunches as you can, repeat 3 times.

Weights to target hips/outer thighs and but – Whilst I don’t have a particular hang up about this area I do think it’s the area that lets down my bikini body a bit!  So I have been using the hip abductor and abduction machine.  These are the machines where you wither squeeze the pads together or push them apart with your leg strength.  I can really feel them targeting the muscle groups so I hope to see some real results.  At the moment I am using starting weights of 50-60kgs and doing 3 reps of 12, sometime varying the weights up or down depending on leg strength.  As well as these two exercises I have also been using the Smith machine for squats and lunges- I could hardly walk the day after training so evidently this is working to.  I have been using 12.5-15kg per side of the bar for squats and about 10-12.5 for lunges, again 3 sets of 12 for each exercise.  For the squats make sure you are sitting back as though you are trying to sit on a chair, also in lunges make sure your knee doesn’t go past your toes and if you want to target your inner thighs in lunges take a wider/diagonal stance.

It was definitely a good idea to have this session and I may try for another one before the holiday at the end of August!  During the session I was also reminded of how easy it is to cheat in some exercises and how to avoid this- so see the next posting on cheating to make sure you are not!

See you in the gym

Gym Bunny Blog


Bikram Yoga July 4, 2010

Filed under: Gym Workouts — thegymbunnyblog @ 1:28 pm

When we moved to the big smoke my boyfriend discovered Bikram Yoga (yoga performed in a hot – 30-40 degrees – studio) and I soon decided to tag along and have been hooked ever since.  The yoga focuses on your core stability and flexibility (aided by the heat) and due to the strenuous nature of the poses often raises your heart rate and breathing, and therefore has great CV benefits too.  Each Bikram class you follow the same 26 poses for 90 mins, which the instructor talks you through.

Apart from the great stretching and core work out which has, like pilates, helped my back I have also noticed that my thighs have benefited too and are definitely more toned and lean.  You also use your arms quite a lot during the poses which is great for combating any bingo wings.

Beginners often find the heat pretty intense and can get dizzy but sitting down and sipping water usually helps and you do get used to the heat after a few classes.  There are some simple rules to follow, however, so that you don’t feel too ill during class: never eat a big meal before hand (the blood will still be at your stomach and you will get light headed) likewise try not to fill your stomach with water before hand either, drink plenty of water up to one hour before class then sip water for the last hour, if you are hypoglycaemic have a small snack before like an apple or coconut water to keep you going, don’t drink water in the first 25mins of class if you can, once past 25mins don’t glug water just sip otherwise it will sit in your stomach making you feel sick and finally unless you are a masochist never ever go with a hangover!

Bikram isn’t very widespread in the UK, apart from London, but there are likely to be more studios opening up all the time as demand increases so keep an eye out for one coming to a town/city near you.  Classes cost about £13 for a drop in session with many offers  for longer class options and trial periods, so give it a go!

See you in the studio!

Gym Bunny Blog xx


Fit Flopping into Summer for Real June 30, 2010

Filed under: Gym Kit - clothes and equipment,Uncategorized — thegymbunnyblog @ 4:17 pm

I have eventually got my Fit Flops! Yay, and waiting paid off as FitFlop released the Rebel mid summer and these are by far my favourites.  I took the original gym bunny (my mum!) along for fitting advice and style advice too (ok and a bit of financial help!)  They are a really flattering shade and look great on tanned legs.  Available at Sweaty Betty ( in selected stores and online too.

See you around

Gym Bunny Blog


At Home Workouts

Filed under: Gym Workouts — thegymbunnyblog @ 3:48 pm

When I can’t get to the gym I try to keep up with my summer toning regime by working out at home and with the help of Zest magazine (more on that later) and a bit of ingenuity I have some pretty good exercises down. I used to have dumbbells at home but they just added clutter and didn’t really warrant the space for how often I used them but I still have my trusty Swiss ball which whilst not pretty is useful! I use the ball the most for situps, the following are some of the best exercises that I have come up with:

Oblique crunches: Lie with your mid back on the ball, hands behind your head for support. Then raise your shoulders off the ball whilst bringing one leg off the floor and bring your shoulder to meet the opposite knee. Alternate doing this and aim or at least 20 (I aim for 50 at the moment).

Ball Pikes: Warning this is killer! Rest your upper legs on the ball placing your hands on the floor for support, then roll the ball towards your hands, keeping your legs straight and trying to raise your butt into the air so you make an upside down V shape. Try and do this ten times… then another set later.

Side plank: Lie on your side, propped up by your elbow then raise yourself so you are lying in a side plank, you can either hold this to work your waist muscles or drop your hip back to touch the floor, then bring yourself back into the plank position. Hold the first one for 30-60secs or repeat the dips 10-15 times per side.

Pilates crunches: lie on your back with your knees bent at 45 degrees and your calves parallel to the floor. Raise your shoulders off the floor and keep your arms off the floor by your side (keep your shoulders off the floor at all times during this exercise). Now alternate reaching your arm for the opposite ankle by bringing one knee in and raising your shoulders to reach at the same time- the other leg should be straightening as you do this. Try to repeat this 50 times (i.e. 25 each side). Keep your stomach and core muscles engaged throughout- as with all abs exercises. These plus the previously mentioned exercise with the medicine ball (see are my favourite exercises and never really fail to hurt the next day.

Besides Abs I also do tricep dips from the sofa (remove the seat cushion to get a firm base) which is a perfect height, also for triceps I use a heavy book like an atlas to raise it from behind my back (start with arms straight above head then bend elbows to lower it down your back and raise back up – repeat). To balance out my arms I always also do push ups and depending on my energy level sometimes dynamic push ups (pushing myself up so my hands leave the ground – although I can’t clap without risking falling on my face!)

I mentioned at the start of this post that I often get ideas from Zest magazine (I have a subscription- a present from my mum, the original gym bunny!) and it is often full of diet and work out tips plus ideas for new fitness classes or ideas to try and always has an at home section too – quite often I just use these ideas in the gym as well. Anyway it is a great magazine and definitely a good motivator to tie up your trainers and get into the gym! Happy working out

Gym Bunny Blog xx


The Gloves Are On! June 29, 2010

Filed under: Gym Workouts — thegymbunnyblog @ 9:39 am

Back to the gym with a bang this week after kicking the bug into touch – with the help of the antibiotics (so lots of probiotics to kick the antibiotics into touch!).  Before the bug from hell hit I had picked back up with boxing, something that I started last summer.  Before I moved I was boxing with my personal trainer and it has to be the best workout I have ever had, it gave me a new found respect for professional boxers, you really need stamina!

Having picked up the skills I needed to use the bag when I trained with my personal trainer I can now train on my own at the gym.  I try to do at least 15mins on top of my other cardio workouts and I think my arms really benefit from it as well as my CV fitness.  I have tried classes like body combat before but these just really don’t cut it compared to working out with a trainer or with a bag.  For one thing you don’t get the weight of the bag to hit which adds to the fatiguing and toning of your muscles and if you have lower back problems (as I do) then the kicks and twists can do more harm than good.  The boxing also motivates me to get to the gym as I really enjoy it and use it as a reward to get me through the rest of my CV work!  If you need extra incentive then it is also a great fat burner…thought that would do it!  I wouldn’t suggest just weighing in (pardon the pun) without any advice from a trainer, however, as if you don’t know how to punch properly you can really hurt your wrists and if you don’t know how to stand and punch through then you wont be maximising your workout.  Also if you have the chance to train with a trainer then you get to punch at them (with pads!) which adds a good competitive streak to the session and makes sure you are motivated!

If you really get into it you could try joining a boxing club, they are more female friendly than you would think, as you will pick up loads of tips to improve your technique, meet new people and get to do more than bag work.  I have considered it but the area I live in is more pilates studios than boxing studios and as I already have to commute for 40mins to get to my gym (it’s by work not home- dedication huh?) I don’t want another commute to get to a boxing gym but maybe when we move again I will find one close by!

Final words of advice on the boxing do buy your own gloves!  You really don’t want to be using gloves that someone else has sweated in (yuk!).  I got my black and white Reebok ones from Argos and they are great for what I want to do.  Just make sure when you get them that you get gloves not mitts, gloves will protect your hands and wrists more as they are more cushioned (mine are 14 or 16oz I don’t remember but don’t go lighter than 14oz).  So come on what’s stopping you? Get the gloves on!

See you in the ring

Gym Bunny Blog


Gym Fail June 2, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — thegymbunnyblog @ 6:10 pm

After a killer gym week last week where I managed to go 4 times (I made 4 times my goal for summer) I have been struck down by some horrid bug and even the thought of the treadmill is exhausting.  I did think yesterday (day 1 of bug) that I would make it in today and just do some weights and sit ups but waking up today nothing was less appealing!  So my routine for the rest of the week is cough syrup, saline solution and throat sweets.  Hopefully I will be hitting the treadmill again by Monday though!  Fingers crossed!

Gym Bunny Blog


Personal Training Time…. May 28, 2010

Filed under: Food Glorious Food,Gym Workouts — thegymbunnyblog @ 9:53 am

After moving gyms I was offered a free massage certificate when I joined, despite it taking ages (3months or so) to be given to me I thought this was pretty cool!  However I quickly managed to lose it and my kind gym manager replaced it with a free personal training session instead- far more useful.  So i had thought about just using this one month before my summer holiday to get a final fitness/toning boost but instead I’m going for it now so I can get the benefits of a tweaked work out for longer!

Have also started watching my fat intake a bit more carefully, I don’t really like much junk food or fast food but the odd sneaky snack does add up as does content in foods like yoghurt so I have become a bit more observant and hopefully will see a little benefit from it.  If I catch any shocking fat content offenders I will post them up here, so if you have any tips for avoiding the fat content let me know and leave a comment for everyone to see!

I’m also really enjoying the masses of fresh fruit available now it is summer, is much nicer waking up to a bowl of mango, melon, apple, blueberries, banana etc (or some combo of a couple) topped with (low fat!) yoghurt than my winter bowl of porridge.  Much easier to get my 5 a day!

So watch this space for a personal training update of any hints and tips I pick up!

Gym Bunny Blog


Fit Flopping into the Summer. May 24, 2010

Filed under: Gym Kit - clothes and equipment — thegymbunnyblog @ 2:13 pm

It has definitely taken me a while to jump on the Fit Flop band wagon, I just wasn’t sure if the flip flops were cool enough for me to wear in the summer, would they look too chunky?  hmm, so I withheld from buying them but I think this summer may be the summer of the Fit Flop for me, although I wont be totally abandoning my much loved Havaianas.  What has convinced me of the Fit Flop craze?  Well I was wearing my awesome little Fit Flop boots well into summer, thanks to their major comfort they were practically welded to my feet well into May!  I can walk for ages in them and my feet don’t ache plus if I miss a gym session I at least feel I am doing something….well almost!

Now I just need to decide which ones I want!  Gym Bunny Blog xx